

16 Fishing

Display Case 16
Fish Spear, Replica (3)
Fish Spear (4)

Fishing has been documented in northern Germany since the Mesolithic Age. Nets were made from the fibres of tree bark and weighted down with stone net cores. Fishing was done with hooks and fish spears made of stone and bone. Cooking pots have also been known since the Mesolithic Age. The so-called pointe vessels could be placed between stones directly in the fire. Chemical analyses show that mainly fish soups were prepared in these pots.

Info: Showcase 16

Pointe Vessel

Age: 5100 - 4100 v. Chr. Mesolithic period

Material: Ceramics


Age: 5100 - 4100 v. Chr. Mesolithic period

Material: Ceramics

Location: HH-Lohbrügge

Fish Spear (Replica)

Age: 9500 - 4000 v. Chr. Mesolithic period

Material: Animal Bones, Wood, Reeds (?), Birch Pitch (?)

Fish Spear

Age: 9500 - 4000 v. Chr. Mesolithic period

Material: Animal Bone

Location: Duvensee


Age: 1100 - 1200 n. Chr. Middle Ages

Material: Metal

Location: HH-Altstadt

Net Sinker

Age: 9500 - 4000 v. Chr. Mesolithic period

Material: Stone

Location: HH-Blankenese

Fish Bones

Age: 1700 - 1800 n. Chr. Modern period

Material: Animal Bone

Location: HH-Altstadt


Age: 1700 - 1800 n. Chr. Modern period

Material: Mussel Shell

Location: HH-Altstadt