84 Riders

Spiny Spur (1)
Wheel Spur (4)

A spur is a curved piece of metal attached to a riding boot with a spike or cog that is used when riding. In the Middle Ages, a squire received a pair of spurs as a sign of his new dignity when he was ordained a knight. But it was only by personally proving himself in a battle or tournament that he could subsequently "earn his spurs". The rivet spur made of mesh is particularly outstanding: As the only such addition among 209 body graves, the spur sets the deceased apart from the rest of the buried and emphasises his social status as a warrior.

Info: Showcase 84

Spiny Spur

Age: 1200 - 1300 n. Chr. Middle Ages

Material: Iron

Location: HH-Altstadt

Attack Spur

Age: 1000 - 1100 n. Chr. Middle Ages

Material: Iron

Location: HH-Altstadt

Rivet Spur

Age: 700 - 800 n. Chr. Middle Ages

Material: Iron

Location: Maschen

Wheel Spur

Age: 1200 - 1300 n. Chr. Middle Ages

Material: Iron (tin-plated)

Location: HH-Harburg